Mini ISM
MVM MINI-ISM / Private/Commercial (LYC)
MVMSYSTEM manages large commercial and private yachts with a cloud application adopted to Captains and Managers and owner’s needs. This includes following specific legislations and regulations as per international requirements.
We, at MVM, have always felt the need to produce a more cost effective and simple tool , which we have introduced into the market since 2011.
We want the private 30′ sail or power owner and his family to be able to enjoy the support and accessibility to his yachts information with a professional technical portal
I own a 35 ‘ sailing boat…What will it cost me to use MVM??
From £ 1.40 /per day
Simple Price Structure MVM Leisure
Prices are based on annual plans
LOA in Feet SETUP * Monthly/Private (No ISM)**
27-35 400 50
36-45 500 64
46-55 850 75
56-65 900 98
66-75 1150 Call
80-90 1800 Call
Remarks on Price structure
This is a one-off fee for populating the database by MVM. All Data shall be supplied by owners using a standardized form. Upload will be done by MVM. Renewal of annual fee must be completed 30 days prior to expiry or database will be automatically archived on anniversary. New set up will require SETUP fee once more.
Up to 2 Users allocated per vessel. Training and instruction on system will be supplied by MVM support via web meeting.
** MINI ISM produced and implemented!
Implementation Starts at 500 GBP / Month . This is subject to vessel type, operation and requested level of support.
All Forms and Checklists are electronic forms created specifically for the vessel and crew.
What Does MVM LEISURE offer?
- Cloud ,purpose built application software, accessible when connected to the internet. (WIFI , 3G, 4G)
- Dashboard with all relevant information including announcements and safety notices.
- Links to weather sites, tide prediction sites.
- Populated Database including vessel details, main equipment , maintenance schedule and records, hour log for main running machinery . Plans , drawings. Setup will allow vessel crew to continue and update system.
- Uploaded images of main equipment, S/N where applicable. LSA
- Equipment and yacht manuals in scanned or PDF /word formats. (No limit on storage!)
- Uploaded documents, receipts etc… by crew and shore based management
- Parts and inventory with detailed information for ordering parts. Min levels can be set and automatic email notification to assigned address.
- Up to 2 users per yacht and unlimited storage or bandwidth. Download or Upload as much as required.
- Setting expiry notifications for safety equipment and any other tasks required.
- If vessel is commercial – MINI ISM system implemented with MLC and RA.
- Purpose built checklists and forms.
MVM Technical hotline – we are just a call away and can locate or advise on fault, assist with local professional services. Locate and price spare parts including courier to vessel. We have all your vessel information online! Set up yachts min COB (Carry On Board Spares) .
Outfit management updates, Notice to Mariners and Imray corrections, Relevant MCA Notices and more!!!!!