Outfit Managment
The requirement by the Flag is for a OMS that confirms to a standard that assures the Safety of Navigation and information available to the Captain and OOW. This is set out as per chosen main System, Paper or ECDIS.
Paper system will require that a port folio of the planned area of sailing includes hard copies of charts (BA or other) be held on-board and corrected to latest Notice to Mariners advertised. Same applies to Publications with a possibility of using Electronic publications (ADP ENC etc…) saving space in the bridge library.
We at MVM utilize VOYAGER as a recognized and certified software to efficiently monitor and assist in the day to day upkeep. Knowing that the passage plan is done on an up to date chart or publication.
Weekly reports will keep track of changes/corrections/tracing/editions. This can then be ordered by the vessel and supplied by MVM to any location or next port of call.
With the duties lying on the shoulders of the Navigation department this is a most and efficient time saving tool.